Olive oil factories and olive groves on Crete: It is impossible to count all the olive trees on Crete. In the countryside of Crete you find olive trees everywhere. Almost every village has an olive factory, so that the villagers can bring the olives straight from the olive fields to the olive factory. The olive tree is cultivated for over 5000 years around the Mediterranean. It is wonderful to see how millions of trees are all well maintained.

Olive oil factories and olive groves on Crete – All over the island are olive trees
Olive oil from Crete: We cannot even count the number of olive trees on Crete, there are so many olive trees on Crete! You see olive trees everywhere in Crete. Almost every village has its own olive oil factory, so the locals can go straight from the olive groves to the olive oil factories with their harvest.
The cultivated olive tree already exists for more than 5000 years around the Mediterranean Sea. It is wonderful to see these millions of trees are all well maintained. Take a walk around an olive grove to see how beautiful the olive trees are. You will recognize an old olive grove on the thickness of the trees. The roots that hold the tree for hundreds of years are really impressive.

The beauty of the olive tree is that the olive tree always has leaves: deep green and silver grey. Have a walk around an olive grove to see how beautiful olive trees are.
The moment that the harvest of the olives starts, has a lot to do with the rain. First it has to rain, then the harvest of the olives can begin after a few weeks. The olive harvest is generally from the end of November to the end of January. It is a great time to visit Crete, especially in the mountains when the local farmers are then busy with the olive harvest.

Olive oil factories and olive groves on Crete – Other productions and old crafts
Unknown Crete: This tour brings you to Central Crete, through old crafts, monasteries, villages, wine factories, olive oil factories, potteries, windmills, etc.
Idaia wine from Crete: Every year we go wine tasting in the winter to choose wines for the next summer. We went to taste wine again in the Idaia wine factory, because their wines were so good last year.
Crete Olive Oil: You can order now premium crete olive oil online in our webshop. On this website about Crete Olives you find also all information about the harvest, pressing the olives, healths benefits and much more.

News: For daily news about excursions in the unknown areas of Crete; summer and winter we update daily with news and pictures from all our activities on Crete. Whether it are new photos or a Greek recipe, you can find everything on our news page!
Excursions: A page full of active excursions on Crete. You can explore the beautiful Crete, an island that is worth a visit.
Accommodation on Crete: Have a look at our page for a holiday on Crete including accommodation, lots of photos and information for an active holiday on Crete.
Holiday information Crete Zorbas Island: For renting apartments and holiday homes, all your excursions and cheap flights to Crete. If you are looking for apartment rental and accommodation on Crete, you have come to the right place. We have a variety of apartments, suitable for families, singles, couples or more people travelling together. We can help you to organize your holiday on Crete Greece to your wishes. An active outdoor vacation, active holidays, a beach holiday, or a combination of both we can all realize for you.
In case you like more information, please send an email to zorbasisland@gmail.com
Olive oil factories and olive groves on Crete